Cobrastrike at Petrina's

Nov 19, 2015

Nine-ball is not a game for the weak-kneed. It requires the patience of Job and the attack speed of a King Cobra to pounce when your enemy allows. On the weekend of the November 14th, Petrina’s hosted a dirty dozen 9-ballers intent on the prize. There was no absence of talent with Wayne Tate, Jeremy Bolahood, Erik Hjorliefson and Joy Goyer topping the small field.
Tyler Scott (6) came to play. This drag racer has some cue talents as well. He sent Jeremy Bolahood (9) to the B-Side in the second round match-up by an score of (6-7) and then dismissed Jay Goyer (9) easily (6-4). Mr. Goyer is just making his way back to tournaments after a sabbatical of many years. In the A-side final Tyler Scott defeated local favourite Brandon Jaipaul (6) by lopsided (6-1) score.
The B-Side was the real tournament story. Erik Hjorleifson (11) had to fight back from a first round loss and beat Pierre Fuller (7) by and (11-5) score before running into one of the hottest shooters around Jeremy Bolahood (9). This match was epic and resulted in Eric losing on the hill (10-9). Jeremy Bolahood, no stranger to winning had a must-win route through the B-side. He faced and beat Time Jukes (5), (9-1) Wayne Tate (8), (9-3), Henry Koster (5), (9-4) and Brandon Jaipaul (6) (9-3) to meet Tyler Scott in the finale and perhaps exact revenge for the earlier defeat.
For players who understand deadstroke the finale was evidence of this phenomenon. Jeremy won two sets over Tyler Scott (9-1) (9-1) without blinking an eye in an exhibition of Cobra-strikes. Tyler shook his head and congratulated his opponent for barrage of pool wizardry.
1...$415.00 Jeremy Bolahood (9)
2...$260.00 Tyler Scott (6)
3...$210.00 Brandon Jaipaul (6)
4...$150.00 Henry Koster (5)

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