CJ Wiley - Creating an Angle

Jun 8, 2014

The "TOUCH OF INSIDE" (TOI) technique is much more than just "cuing the ball precisely," although you are correct, it is important. The Cue Ball is the target in pool, not the object ball, so the object ball just "reflects" how you hit the Cue Ball.
There are a few ways to "aim" or "create angles" in pool. The most common one is to aim a part of the cue ball at a part of the object ball and try to hit it. This is the most common and it works, however you decide to "aim," whether by a system, by feel or by instinct.
The TOI technique I use creates angles a different way. It uses where you cue the Cue Ball relative to a consistent target on the object ball (either the edge or the center).
This means I'm not aiming at a "contact point," instead I'm CREATING the angle by moving the tip to the same side (inside) as I'm cutting the ball. If I"m cutting the ball to the right, I move the cue slightly to the right of center, if I"m cutting the ball to the left I move the tip slightly to the LEFT of center.
If you want to experiment with what I"m saying try this "for the sake of science." Put the Cue Ball on the head spot and the Object Ball on the foot spot. If you hit "center to center," with a center ball hit you will drive the OB straight into the rail and it will come back and hit the cue ball again (if hit perfectly).
Now, go down and aim it center to center again, but this time move the cue slightly to the right (MAKE sure to move the whole cue, don't "pivot" or just turn your tip). Hit the ball like you did {as if} it was straight in and it will cut the ball slightly to the right. Do it again and move the cue further to the right, hit it and you will see that it cuts the Object Ball further to the right (creating more angle).
Now set up a shot that is a slight cut, get down like it was straight in and move the cue slightly in the same direction of the cut and hit it. If you undercut the shot move over more on the cue ball, if you overcut it move over less from center.
This is how you calibrate the TOI and tune it in to start creating angles. My new video goes over this in detail and I explain things about the TOI Technique that I haven't even tried to explain in this Forum. This Technique is brutally strong and when you master it you will become a feared shotmaker. If this sounds "too good to be true," you haven't seen nothing yet. 'The Game is the Teacher'

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