Chen and Duell Split the Cash

Jan 11, 2015

1st Place Split – Chen vs Duell
Another successful event saw 32 extremely strong players come out to compete in the Royal City 9 Ball Challenge.
Congratulations to Kenny Chen and Paul Duell, for their shared 1st/2nd Place Finish.. Kenny Chen’s day started off with a tough match against Naomi Williams, with Chen coming out the victor..he went forward on the A Side, sending his opponents to fight it out on the B Side, Chad Bishop, Isaac Ramos, Sumon Sarkar and finally Paul Duell.. Kenny sat in the hot seat waiting for his final opponent.. Paul Duell’s match ups were no less difficult, playing and defeating Stuart MacTaggart, Jeremy Brown, Dave Lettner, Jason Knight where he then met Kenny, who sent him to the B Side finals. Duell played against Naomi Williams, who had a long hard fight through the B Side. Duell came back to meet Chen in the finals, beating Chen the 1st set, but because of the late hour, both players agreed to split the 1st and 2nd Place prize fund.
We look forward to our mid season tournament on February 7&8 where the field will be extended to 64 players. Registration is now open, contact Eric or Katherine ASAP to book your spot!


1st Place:
Kenny Chen / Paul Duell

2nd Place:
Kenny Chen / Paul Duell

3rd Place:
Naomi Williams

4th Place:
Sumon Sarkar

5th / 6th:
Mike Patay & Jason Knight

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