Canada Chapter of the North American Poolshooters Association

Dec 28, 2013

2014 Is An Exciting Time for the Ontario, Canada Chapter of the North American Poolshooters Association
Exciting things coming for Ontario, Canada with regards to the North American Poolshooters Association. Some great reasons for people to start playing NAPA are:
No Annual Membership Fees – Once you play your first game you are a member for life
Play for Cash and Prizes – Our winners not only get cash prizes for winning, but session winners qualify to play at our Nationals which in 2014 are in Atlanta, Georgia
An Amazing Anti-Sandbagging System – Not only is our handicapping system one of the best out there, but the way our leagues and prize structure is setup, it makes it impossible for any sandbagging to be successful
We are the fastest growing pool league in North America – We are continuing to expand throughout North America – People are noticing the difference
No Regionals – You don't have to continuously play in playoffs to try to qualify for Regionals to win the big prize. Once you win a session... you are in!
NAPA Believes in Family Values – Pool should be fun and challenging, but it should not be taking you away from families. We have no weekend playoffs or regionals and we never have a regular pool night that is part of a long weekend or holiday.
We Can Start Anytime, Anywhere - We are not limited to fixed session lengths and start times. We can start anytime for a league that has at least 12 players in 4 teams. Our session lengths can be any amount, but we recommend between 10 and 16 weeks of playing.
Your Game, Your Way – We have 8 Ball, 9 Ball, 10 Ball, Scotch Doubles and Lagger's Choice leagues for men only, women only, mixed or organizational based. We can also run youth leagues.
Through A Sponsor, Players are Given a Membership in the Canadian Cue Sports Association - In any NAPA Ontario League where there are 20 or more players, the players are provided free of charge a CCS membership.  This allows players to enter any of the CCS or ACS Championships in North America for Singles, Scotch Doubles and Team Events in 8 and 9 Ball. (some restrictions do apply).  This membership is paid for by RobMac Media.
And as if this was not enough... coming in 2014...
Live Streaming to the Internet of NAPA Ontario Matches - Have your matches streamed on the Internet for the World to see!
Realtime Mobile Device Scoring - Team Captains will be able to access all the information they need in realtime on matches and matchups, as well as standings, as well as electronically enter their match scores for further realtime information.  This adds to the current availability for everyone to see league standings, player ratings and records, and other league information online through a laptop or mobile device.
We have established locations in Pickering, Ajax and Oshawa, Ontario that are looking to start a league.  We are currently working on locations throughout Ontario.  We are looking for Division Convenors and League Representatives to help us with this expansion.  Contact us if you are interested.
The next scheduled league session is our Thursday Night 8 Ball League at Petrinas in Ajax.  This will start Thursday, January 23rd.  We are making this a Double Jeopardy location and starting a 9 Ball League on the same night at the same location.  Players that now like to play both 8 and 9 Ball, but don't like taking up two nights a week, can now take advantage of this Double Jeopardy Night!  Anyone interested in submitting a team or joining a team, should e-mail Rob MacArthur at rob(dot)macarthur(at) or call him at 905.903.6425.
Feel free to contact us for more information on any of the above.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from NAPA Ontario!
Email: info(at)napaontario(dot)ca
Phone: 905.903.6425
Ontario, Canada Web Site:
National Web Site:

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