Cambridge ProAm Snooker Tournament

Jan 24, 2019

Its that time of year again for our Snooker Tournament. Starts Feb 8 with an exhibition by Cliff Thorburn and continues on until Feb 17. Three matches a day (11am, 3pm and 7pm) until the last weekend.

Grand Valley Golf and Country Club is the host and their food is excellent. We have a great line up of players. Cliff Thorburn, John Everekian, Fern Loyer, Eddie Galati, John White, Bob Chaperon, Floyd Ziegler and Alan Whitfield make up the seeded players. Our amateurs could win the whole thing with Jason Williams, Levi Meiller, Derrick Claus, and Phil Snache all being part of the field.

You can see the draw at

The cost is just $5.00 a day or $20.00 for a 10 day pass. If you need information call Roy Mason at 519-622-0756 or

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