Cam Cyr and Wayne Tate take the Loot

Sep 30, 2012

Saturday Sept 29th Petrina’s Ajax
Wayne TateTwenty-nine started this free for all tournament – there would be only one victor. After seven games four people advanced to the finals. With a record of (7-0) Brian Madill walked through the field without anyone noticing his expert play to make the semi-finals. Brian was joined by Rick Bellis (6-1), Wayne Tate (6-1), Al Kerr (6-1) and the cash group was finalized. The single game format of this tournament makes it an “anyone can win” proposition every time and the last four games were battles to say the least. Al Kerr matched up with Brian and after some calculated safeties Brian emerged the winner to advance to the final. Wayne Tate, Oshawa’s “billiards brat” faced off against Rick Bellis and emerged unscathed.
The final was won by Wayne Tate.
Wayne Tate (8-1) $125
Brian Madill (8-1) $75
Rick Bellis (6-1) $25
Al Kerr (6-1) $25
Cam Cyr and Chris BatemanThe second tournament of the day commenced with 20 guys ready for what would be a marathon session. The format was identical to the morning tournament but with 17 rounds of play. The pace of play was quick and by 7:00 we were down to our final four. Colin Kerr (14-3), Carlin Sanderson (13-4) Chris Bateman (13-4), and Cam Cyr (13-4). Chris Bateman matched up against Carlin Sanderson who had won SFTL I back in March. Carlin looked to be a lock after a great break but fluffed his final ball and left Chris, an experienced player all the options. Chris made a few balls before locking Carlin up and finished him off. The other match between Cam Cyr and Colin Kerr was one sided with Cam easily routing Colin the defending champion from July’s tournament. The final would be between Chris Bateman and Cam Cyr. The lag decided the contest. Cam made two solids of his break and then ran the stripes out for win.
Cam Cyr (15-4) $350
Chris Bateman (14-5) $250
Colin Kerr (14-4) $125
Carlin Sanderson (13-5) $125
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