Billiard Instructional - Cut Shots

May 10, 2018

The ability to plan and execute a cut shot is a base requirement for playing good pool. These drills are progressive in nature…they start easy and get harder with each shot. The secret to making cut shots is to start by focusing on your fundamentals and making sure they are solid first, then working on your aiming method. To determine the proper aiming point, I use the ghost ball aiming method as described under the Fundamentals tab. Take your time on these drills, focus on the aiming point, and shoot smoothly with purpose. Knowing how to make a cut shot is a requirement for almost every shot you will make, regardless of the game you play.
Cut Shot Drill 1 – Here’s the setup. Always start with the cue ball at the point indicated on the graph. Start with the straight in shot, then work your way down one side, then the other. If you miss, don’t worry, just reset the shot and try again. Keep trying until you make it a few times in a row, then move on.

Cut Shot Drill 1

Cut Shot Drill 2 – Always start with the cue ball at the point indicated on the graph. Start with the straight in shot, then work your way down one side, then the other. If you miss, don’t worry, just reset the shot and try again. Keep trying until you make it a few times in a row, then move on.

Cut Shot Drill 2

Cut Shot Drill 3 – Always start with the cue ball at the point indicated on the graph. Start with one end of the line and work your way to the other end, pocketing the balls in the nearest corner pocket. If you miss, don’t worry, just reset the shot and try again. Keep trying until you make it a few times in a row, then move on.

Cut Shot Drill 3

Cut Shot Drill 4 – Always start with the cue ball at the point indicated on the graph. Start with the object ball nearest you, and pocket all the balls in the upper left corner pocket. After you clear the line, set it up again, then make every shot in the lower left corner pocket. After you clear the line again, set it up, and alternate corner pockets on each shot. If you miss, don’t worry, just reset the shot and try again. Keep trying until you make it a few times in a row, then move on.

Cut Shot Drill 4

Cut Shot Drill 5 – Here’s a tough one! Always start with the cue ball at the point indicated on the graph. Start with the straight in shot, then work your way down the line to the rail. If you miss, don’t worry, just reset the shot and try again. Keep trying until you make it a couple times in a row, then move on.

Cut Shot Drill 5

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