Billard Feminin Tour Leader Given 1 Year Ban

Aug 6, 2014

Yesterday morning as I opened up my laptop to begin the days updates I expected to see several emails and Facebook messages being that this was the first day back from an action packed long weekend. What I did not expect was the series of messages I received informing me of the one year suspension given to Hanna Kwon and Suzanne Peters from the Billard Feminin Tour.
Edwidge Cavanna is the founder and tour director of this newly formed circuit that is recognized by the WPBA (Women's Professional Billiard Association). With this recognition, Cavanna is able to advertise that the winner of this tour gets a spot at the Regional Tour Championship where they have a chance to play their way on to the Professional Tour.
The suspension sent shock-waves through social media between players and supporters of the tour. As Kwon is not only a huge supporter of the Billard Feminin Tour, but its current run away points leader. Kwon won both of the first two tournaments held in Brossard(QC) and Stoney Creek (Ont), losing only one set so far this season.
What has added to peoples outrage and curiosity is that both Kwon and Peters were never told why they were being suspended. Instead they were sent an email outlining a section of the WPBA code of conduct adopted by the Billard Feminin Tour. Below is the section Cavanna used to enforce this ban.
"Engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a player or anyone working for the tour, that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. Bullying, intimidating or offensive jokes or innuendos, displaying or circulating offensive pictures or materials, or offensive or intimidating phone calls and social network. The player will be ban to play in any tournament during the year."
Something else that has sparked debate is that the first mention of the WPBA Code of Conduct on the Billard Feminin website or Facebook page came on August 3. With the suspension being handed down two days later, there was no specific incident cited to Kwon or Peters for why they are in violation of this code. Cavanna was approached and informed of this story; when asked if she would give a specific example for the suspension Cavanna replied, "By respect to the players and the tour, I won't make any comments. Thank you."
Kwon was willing to comment on her suspension and diplomatically stated, "I am oblivious as to the reasons surrounding the ban from the ladies tour. I am saddened by the news of the ban with no offered explanation, but will continue to pursue my goal of participating in the WPBA, as well as promoting cue sports and making contributions to the sport when able. I am hopeful of the Billard Feminin du Canada tour growth Quebec as there is a lack of events available for female amateur player."
Peters, who is one of the owners of "On the Snap Billiard" which recently hosted the tour, was clearly upset by the lack of information on her suspension. As a result she stated she will no longer be a participant or supporter of this tour regardless when her ban ends. Peters has also decided to cancel the next Billard Feminin Tour stop, which she was suppose to host October 25th. Cavanna is welcomed to add her comments to this issue at anytime. Her next event will be held at Dooly's Neufchatel on August 23.

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