Big Wigs Amateur CBSA Qualifier

Mar 8, 2011

Big Wigs and the newly named A Tour would like to congratulate the winners of our first CBSA Amateur qualifier. On March 5, 22 men and 4 women braved the fog and rain to participate from as far as St Catherines!
The format is a blind round robin like the format used on the Diamond A Tour. The men played a total of 30 games of 9-ball, where the top 2 scores were awarded paid entry into the 2011 CBSA National Championships which will be held at Shooter’s in Toronto this summer. In the women’s division, they played a full round robin to gain seeding position in a single knock out format, in which Darlene Gardiner secured her spot with a final win over Tammy Drury (CPA 4!).
In the men’s division Chris Lee and Ryan Millar had the top scores and both won entry into the CBSA 2011 championships, Collin Nobes placed 3rd ($70) and Cody Ward impressed everyone with his composure (HE IS 16 YEARS!) placing 4th in a thrilling hill-hill battle with quote Collin, " There should be an age limit, this kid is good!" A great time was had by all (22 men, 4 women), a big thank you to Big Wigs for hosting the event....see you all at the next one, thanks again for your support. Lets Rack and Roll and get this thing happening!

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