Back to Back, Duell takes 1st Place again!

Mar 30, 2014

Tom Polsinelli & Paul Duell
March 29th – Another fantastic event with 32 incredible players.  Congratulations goes to Paul Duell, for his back to back titles.  This time around, Paul played through the A Side, winning every match against some great opponents.  Paul drew Chad Bishop first round, and continued on to beat Kevin Stronach, Wayne Tate, Rick Hutchings and Carlin Sanderson, before playing Tom Polsinelli in the finals.  Tom had a tough draw 1st round, were he lost to Rick Hutchings, but fought his way through the B side, playing against Paul Edgar, Greg Plester, Jason Knight, Wayne Tate, Rick Garrant, Rob Gray and Carlin Sanderson, where he lost in the finals to Paul Duell.
Royal City Challenge # 7 Standings and Pay-outs
1st Place:  Paul Duell                        $500 – $745
2nd Place: Tom Polsinelli               $350 – $460
3rd Place: Carlin Sanderson          $130 – $160
4th Place: Rick Hutchings              $ 60 – $ 95
5th/6th Place: Justin Zammit       $ 35 – $ 50
5th/6th Place: Rob Gray                 $ 35 – $ 50

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