Archer Wins: 2018 Wyoming Open Champions

Apr 16, 2018

The Greatest Event in the Rocky Mountain States

Saratoga, Wyoming-  Numerous new champions have been crowned at the 11th Wyoming Open! Some however are familiar faces with multi-WY Open winner Johnny Archer and multi-winner Shane Van Boening taking top honors in the Masters Divisions respectively. The rest of the divisions sall all new faces in the winner's circle.  The 4-day billiards extravanganza is by far the most popular billiards event in the Rocky Mountain states, with the event using 49 Valley-Dynamo Tables all around town in an Olympic style location format. All the marquee matches were streamed on

"Saratoga reminds me a lot of growing up in my own small town of Twin City, Georgia", said 8-Ball Masters Division winner Famer and Hall of Johnny Archer. "The people are very friendly and the entire town is very welcoming to the pros." Archer went undefeated including big wins over USA #1 Shane Van Boening and then won by a big score in the finals against Deuel.

Players came from all around the country including Texas, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, South Dakota, Georgia, Hawaii, California, Florida, and from all corners of Wyoming.

"Will never forget this place. Such an awesome tournament!", said up and comer Aubrey Hoxworth of Nebraska. In her first appearance at the WY Open, she took 2nd in the Women's Classic Division. Last year the Women's Division became so popular that they added the Classic this year and a Masters. Both events were full, with Anita Smith winning the Masters title and Maria Finley winning the Classic.

Hoxworth came through a first match loss to fight her way back to the finals

The best explanation of the event is to watch this music video:  The WY Open Experience 

The complete list of winners are as follows:
Division​​​​ Event ​​Champ​​​ & Runner Up

Masters​​​ 8-ball ​Johnny Archer ​​Corey Deuel​​
Masters​​​ Saratoga​ Shane VanBoening​ Andrew Pettenger
Expert​​​​ 8-ball​​ Jonathon Amo​​ Jimmy Winter
Classic​​​​ 8-ball​​ Brad Kapit ​​Brian Schnitker
Sportsman​​​ 8-ball ​​Scott Lambert ​​Pat Burton
Women's Classic​​ 8-ball​​ Maria Finley ​​Aubrey Hoxworth
Women's Expert​​ 8-ball​​ Anita Smith​​ Midori Spatz
Junior's (18 & under) ​​8-ball​​ Wesley Coffel Jayce Leach
Junior's (Intermediate) ​​8-ball ​​Ty Blowers ​​Jerry Miller
Junior's (Pee Wee)​​ 8-ball​​ Eddie Vonderau ​​Jin Powell
Hard Luck ​​​9-ball ​​Jose Loma​​ Matthew Winfield
Pro/Am Scotch Doubles ​8-ball​ Ryan Henry/Pat Burton Brad Kapit/Butch Buccelli

The WY Open is famous for it's social atmosphere as much as it's nationally renown tournament play. Here the pros and fan staff have their annual end of event dinner at Bella's Bistro
The event is sponsored by widely popular Andy Cloth USA and played on Valley-Dynamo Tables with Aramith Balls in locations all around town.  Local partners include Carbon County Visitor's Council,  Duke's Bar & Grill, the Hotel Wolf & Restaurant, and the Riviera Lodge with all events coordinated by Shively Hardware.  Official Pool Cue is McDermott and Official Fine Dining Restaurant is Bella's Bistro. In addition, the livestream is filmed by for a completely free stream.

Local sponsors included Grand Teton Distillery who provided vodka and whiskey from the Rocky Mountains region

The Wyoming Open has become one of the most renown events in the country

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