Age over Beauty

Dec 3, 2016

It is the second 3-7 10 ball tournament this season as part of Shooter’s new 10 Ball Tour. Even though there were only 21 shooters that was the most at any pool hall this cool weekend as there were tournaments all over the place. Waleed is back from China and looking to put his new found experience to use. There were also the regulars that showed up in the likes of Shane Gummerson, Cory Sharman and Co.
The last few matches left included Stefane Godinho versus Cory Sharman and Waleed Hashem versus Martin Y on the A side. On the B side there was Woody Tran versus Orlando Ashby and Eva Bouldings versus Keith Jeans. Cory who has been playing more and more now that the winter is coming managed to beat Stefane 5-4 and advance to the A side final. In the other match Martin and Waleed who are good friends and very familiar with each other go head to head where Waleed proves to have the edge winning hill-hill sealing his place versus Cory in the A side final. Martin and Stefane are sent to the B side to try and come back.
In the first B side match Keith thrashes Eva giving her a doughnut and now plays Stefane, both of whom are very strong for their rank. Stefane comes out on top of this exchange and goes to the B side semi-final. Woody manages to scrape a win against Orlando hill-hill but fails to get past Martin and loses 6-3 leaving Martin and Stefane to duke it out and play the loser of the A side final.
Cory and Waleed have a very back and forth match, however Cory wins convincingly by a 5-6 score line and now guarantees himself first or second place in this weeks’ 10 ball tour. Waleed still has a chance to come back from the B side though. With the addition of the plus system this has allowed for fairer handicaps and has allowed players that have previously gone 2 or 3 and out to succeed. Stefane is one of those players. Stefane manages to beat Martin 8-2 and now faces Waleed in the B side final. Stefane and Waleed go rack for rack until Waleed finally grabs and edge to win 7-5 and now has a chance to enact revenge against Cory.

Since this is not a special event Waleed must only beat Cory once to become champion. Cory comes out on fire and hits his gear beating Waleed 5-2 and becoming this week’s 10 ball Champion! This is Cory’s first tournament win since coming to Shooters probably from the prehistoric age! Thank you to all the players that came out to support Shooters who will continue to host great tournaments.
21 Players
1. Cory Sharman - $350
2. Waleed Hashem - $240
3. Stefane Godinho - $150
4. Martin Yacobazzo - $100
5. Keith Jeans - $50
6. Woody Tran - $50
*Calcutta not included*

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