Accu-Stats Video Productions Welcomes New Owner

May 11, 2022

Avondale, Az (May 11th, 2022) – Accu-Stats Video Productions is happy to announce that it has a new proprietor: BCA Hall-of-Famer Pat Fleming has sold Accu-Stats to Mike Howerton of AZBilliards.

Fleming expressed, "I couldn’t be happier in committing my lifetime’s accomplishment, Accu-Stats, to Mike Howerton. He is a well-respected, trusted, and energetic individual who is held in the highest regard by the billiard community. He will tend to this historic collection with care and respect. I am proud of him already."

"I’m ecstatic," enthused Howerton. "I grew up, and learned to love this game watching Accu-Stats videos. I’m truly honored to be entrusted with all that Pat has created.”

While Fleming intends to spend more time with his lovely wife, Diane; competing in the occasional tournament; enjoying his non-pool related hobbies, he will continue to produce and stream the International Open and Derby City Classic.

Howerton reflected that he has no plans for any major changes to Accu-Stats. "What's to change? I can’t imagine any reason to change anything. Pat has built an amazing library immortalizing the greatest players in our sport. I just want to respectfully cultivate that archive so the world can enjoy the fruits of his legacy."

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