ABP Welcomes Darren Appleton to the Board of Directors

May 24, 2013

Chicago, Illinois-  The Association of Billiard Professionals is pleased to announce World 9-Ball Champion and two time US Open Champion Darren Appleton of England as the newest elected Board Member of the ABP. Appleton will help the pro tour and its players discuss and vote on a variety of issues in the sport including ABP Professional Guidelines that are set forth by the top professional players of the world. The ABP is the only international pro players association in the world existing today. 

"Darren is a great guy and great player. He travels to every big tournament around the world so he will be great eyes and ears for the ABP Board. He's a smart, fair person and I know he will be an asset to the pro tour", said Johnny Archer, President of the ABP. Appleton was voted in by unanimous decision.

Appleton will be one of 12 voting Board of Directors, and joins Mika Immonen of Finland and Thorsten Hohmann of Germany as international representatives. The other voting members are Johnny Archer, Rodney Morris, Shawn Putnam, Shane Van Boening, Stevie Moore, John Schmidt, Charlie Williams, Mike Davis, and Oscar Dominguez. Darren has accumulated several major titles in his career including World 10 ball and 9 ball titles as well as US Open wins. It is the ABP’s pleasure to welcome Darren on board as he brings strong knowledge and experience of playing pool and English 8 ball at the highest levels all over the globe. Darren had this to say about being voted on as a board member: 

"I'm very honored to have been nominated and voted onto the board. I think it’s great ABP is becoming stronger internationally. Players worldwide need to work together for the betterment of the whole and I'm very much looking forward to doing my part to help my fellow players and the sport" - Darren Appleton

"With Darren’s help, the ABP can continue uniting the players worldwide", says Oscar Dominguez, ABP Board Secretary & Treasurer.

The ABP is a united assembly of international professional billiard players. The ABP was formed to be the voice of players worldwide in order to assist in tournament and industry challenges. ABPdirectives include standardizing equipment, rules, ensuring the timely payment of prize money, assisting promoters and sponsors, and the overall protection and security of professional players. The ABP works to improve the sport of billiards and jointly works with associations, promoters, sponsors and players alike in the joint goal of growing the sport and providing security to all involved. Membership of the ABP includes players from Europe, Asia, and the  United States. To join and support the ABP,  e-mail abppropool@gmail.com . Follow and support ABPat http://www.facebook.com/ABPpros 

Association of Billiard Professionals


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