Sep 8, 2015

Petrina’s hosted a Labour Day Bar-Box tournament using UHS handicaps for all those players who avoided cottage traffic on the last long weekend of summer. Thirty-two players came to Ajax to battle it out for the bar-box bucks. For some it would be a pay day, for others pure labour. The stellar cast of cueists included Jeet Kandhai, John Serio, Maurice Arsenault, Sam Maltese, Dylan Ireland and Marius Nakas from the west end.
The format was handicapped races with a modified elimination format which did not allow players to lose after the first round. Players who went to the B-side after first round losses could not return to A-side but could still cash out. First round upsets included Jeet (8) losing (6-5) to Andrew Hung (6). Peter Komljenovic (8) dismissed Sam Maltese (7) easily (8-1). Elena Baptiste (5) one of the four ladies in the tournament dispatched her first round opponent Sam Nedelkos (5) in a quick (5-0) drubbing that left the Greek Giant reeling all the way back to Mount Olympus. Ken Chand (7) came east of the Rouge and beat Janis Procunier (5) (7-1). The ever smiling Derek Schussmann (6) arrived ready to win and he proved it by thumping Don Eddie (6) (6-0). Greg Ross (7) beat his nemesis Maurice Arsenault (8) (7-6). Marius Nakas (8) easily defeated Victor Oliviera (5) (8-0).
The second round featured lots of twists and turns. Elena (5), hot off her first round win beat Brandon Jaipaul (7) by a lopsided (5-1) score. Ken Chand (7) dismissed Al Kerr (7) (7-2). Derek Schussmann, battled Dylan Ireland (7) and emerged a (6-7) victor. Maurice Arsenault (8) fought off John Serio (7) (8-5) to continue on the B-side.
After ten hours of competition our finals were decided. On the A-side Scott Schinkel (7) versus Derek Schussmann (6).
Scott Schinkel defeated Jeff Smith (5) (7-3), Oscar Zapata (6) (7-1), Chris Ormston (7) (7-3), Ken Chand (7) (7-3)
Derek Schussmann defeated Don Eddie (6) (6-0), Dylan Ireland (8) (6-7), Elena Baptiste (5) (6-1), Ramesh Brown (6) (6-5).
The A-side combatants played to a (3-3) draw and decided on an amicable split of prize money owing to exhaustion.
The B-side finale featured Maurice Arsenault (8) and Sam Maltese (7), two local favourites.
Maurice Arsenault (8) lost his first match to Greg Ross (7) (7-6) then had B-side wins over John Serio (7) (8-5), Victor Oliviera (5) (8-3), Don Eddie (6), (8-5)
Sam Maltese (7) lost his first match to Peter Komljenovic (8) (8-1) then had B-side wins over Bruce Gram (6) (7-4), Filisha McKhan (5) (7-2), Jeet Kandhai (8) (7-7).

Sam bested Maurice (7-4) to win the B-side.
Total Entries:                          $1090
Tourney Fees:                         -$480   ($15 per player)
Money Added:                       $400
Petrina Cup Hold Back:         $95

Total Prize Pool:  $915

Derek Schussmann (6)          $228  + $240
Scott Schinkel (7)                   $228  + $240
Sam Maltese (7)                     $180  + $150
Maurice Arsenault (8)           $140  + $80
Ramesh Brown (6)                 $70
Ken Chand (7)                         $70
The handicaps were UHS verified and after the tourney there were several players elevated in handicap and several players lowered.
Petrina’s will be hosting another tournament like this on September 20th.

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