8-Ball Players cut the Thanksgiving Turkey

Oct 12, 2012

The 4th event of Behind The 8 Ball was played out this past Saturday at JJQs Billiards in Mississauga, Ontario. It was a great turnout, considering this event fell on Canadian thanksgiving. This tournament was full of shocked results. Chris O’Neil and Kathleen Zaguirre went through the A side unscathed. Chris started with wins against Hasan Shahid (5-3), Wasana Manamperi (5-0), Tyler Nearing (4-6) and Simon Yarwood (5-2). Kathleen had wins over Bob Munro (4-4), Jindy Bains (4-4), Bernie Fulford (3-2) and Derek Baker (3-2).
So with this surprised final, the game was still intense and a great match. Chris, from Oakville, had showed his experience with some sublime shooting. Kathleen, from Mississauga, showed her grit and determination by not giving up and playing some great kick shots. Chris managed to pull out the 5-2 win to advance into the hot seat. What made this an even more special win, for Chris was, he played the entire tournament with a house cue.
Players racing through the one loss side all came together as a group, which were Jeremy Brown, Justin Zammit, Simon Yarwood and Derek Baker. Derek and Simon both finished in 5/6th place, after losing to Justin and Jeremy respectively. With the 4th place match, pairing up two friends, it was Justin that had the perseverance to beat Jeremy.
With Kathleen waiting in the B side final, she ended up playing her one time teammate Justin. The game was played with both players laughing and sharing jokes throughout the intense game. Kathleen advanced in her continued fashion of not quitting while Justin had the focus that he wanted to win the entire tournament. Kathleen playing solid throughout the set ended up beating Justin 3-4.
With Kathleen and Chris both in the final match, both players agreed to cash-in as they stood and not play the finals. Congratulations to all the winners and to the players who had attended. Chris O’Neil
The 5th tour event is scheduled to be played on November 3rd. There are still 6 events left before the Grand Finale Tournament, which will be happening now on February 16, 2013. Please take note that the minimum requirement has been dropped from 6 games to 5. We have almost $500 dollars banked for the Finale so far, so it is expected to exceed over $1,000 along with the money to be added by the host bar.
Results were as follows
1st Chris O’Neil $245
2nd Kathleen Zaguirre $180
3rd Justin Zammit $115
4th Jeremy Brown $50
5/6th Derek Baker $30
5/6th Simon Yarwood $30

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