“47” Extravaganza!

Nov 17, 2016

What an event! The Shooters 47 Extravaganza has come and gone with the biggest field and payout of any tournament in Toronto this season! Shooters had a whopping 78 players come out to compete for over $12,000 in prize money and over $6,000 in calcutta. With regulars and non-regulars making the trek out to Shooters it would be hard to predict a winner in such a large field.
With this tournament the calcutta was an event in itself. Naturally with so many players the calcutta was very long. With the blind bids being purchased for the likes of Naomi Williams, Nathan Clarke, Vince Chrysler, to name a few. It was good to see so many people come out to this event and hopefully more and more people will come out to Shooters next big event with next year being its 25th year in service to you Shooters, more details to come!
With such a large event, it was split into two days. Saturday went quite late so instead of 12 players coming back on Sunday, 13 players came back. The final 13 goes as follows, on the A side there was Shane Van Gummerson versus Norm Santos and Vince Chrysler versus Keith Jeans. On the B side Nito Bucais was waiting for the winner between Jamie Mckeen and Brandyn Griff, Stuart Mactaggart plays Tom Hodge, Paul Sullivan versus Gene Chipongian, and Michael Oprecio versus Rafiq Kassam.
Norm has made massive improvements to go from a 5 to a 6 since coming back from a break. Norm’s recent improvements allowed him to beat Shane Gummerson in a close game winning 6 games to 5. Just as surprisingly in the other A side match Vince who arguably is the biggest favorite of the tournament, was beaten by Keith who for most of us is a relatively new face, 6 games to 4. This leaves Keith to face Norm in the A side final of which the winner would guarantee himself first or second place.
On the B side James Mckeen came out on top of Griff to now face Nito. Unfortunately for Jamie, he was unable to beat Nito and lost 5 to 3. Stuart Mactaggart came out on top of Rob Johnson hill-hill and then went on to thrash Tom Hodge with a nice big donut, for those of you unfamiliar with that term, Stuart won 7-0. Paul Sullivan managed to beat Gene with little difficulty winning 6-3 and Michael disposed of Rafiq in the same manner winning 6-1. Continuing on the B side this leaves Michael versus Paul and Stuart versus Nito. The spot between Nito and Stuart proved too big allowing Nito to advance by a 5-6 scoreline to face Vince Chrysler and Michael managed to beat Paul before going on now to face Shane Gummerson. With only 7 matches remaining we are that much closer to finding out a winner of this year’s 47 extravaganza. Shane and Nito exit as this year’s 5/6th places after being eliminated by Nito and Michael respectively. The game between Shane and Michael could not have been closer going right down to the wire, however, Michael managed to edge out a win at 6-7 showing that the plus system has an impact and is proving to be effective.
The A side final and the B side semi-final start simultaneously. Vince determined to make his mark fights hard to try to beat Michael but succumbs to the same outcome as Shane losing hill-hill. On the A side Norm shows his dominance and sends Keith to the B side to face Michael in a very convincing 6-2 win. Keith managed to win by the same margin against Michael to try and redeem himself against Norm. In a back and forth match going shot for shot with each other Norm finally comes out on top winning hill-hill in this year’s 47 extravaganza!
CONGRATULATIONS Norm for winning this year’s 4 to 7 event and walking away with a stellar $6,300. There were a lot of players and a very tough field Norm played strong and consistent throughout both days of the tournament to be the deserving winner. Special notice to Keith as well for his runner-up finish and to all the other people who placed in the money in such a tough field. Please see below for upcoming events at Shooters.
In a special announcement, please keep watch for Shooter’s next big tournament sometime next spring. It is Shooter’s 25th anniversary. Shooters plans to add quite a bit of money into this event for a prize pool that will hopefully be larger than the 47 extravaganza! Please keep watch!!
Field : 78 Players
Prize: $12,350
Calcutta: $6150
1. Norm Santos $3800
2. Keith Jeans $2450
3. Michael Oprecio $1600
4. Vince Chrysler $1000
5. Shane Gummerson $670
6. Nito Bucais $670
7. Paul Sullivan $430
8. Stuart Mactaggart $430
9. Jamie Mckeen $225
10. Gene Chipongian $225
11. Rafiq Kassam $225
12. Tom Hodge $225
13. Brandyn Griffin $100
14. Jeff Dick $100
15. Alan Ada $100
16. Rob Johnson $100
***Calcutta not included***
Shooters would like to thank everyone for their continuous support throughout our weekly events!
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