2013 Americana Border Battle Team Event

Nov 1, 2013

You will be receiving the details on the upcoming event in November. We are really excited about the venue and set up! It is shaping up to be the biggest and best event of the year! The venue is fantastic and the anticipated audience will be the largest in 2013. The co-ordinating team of Ron Benedict, Wayne Small and Dave Kirkconnell, have really worked hard putting together a first class show. As vendor convener, I would like to extend the first opportunity to book booth space to you, the C.P.A. League Conveners. Booths would be available to any players , or associates to promote themselves , or their businesses, either billiard related or not. Our goal is to provide an opportunity for players to network and build community. The deadline for application is Sept 15th. Please put this forward to friends and players . We are looking for a variety of vendors and would like the booth area to be exciting and busy. I'm sure this is an event that will expand each year and I feel it's a great opportunity for promotion.

Look forward to hearing from you,
Ron Benedict

Floor Plan
Vendor Application

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